2020年 道场计划出炉了!但,计划会有变动,请大家随时查看道场BBS!
The schedule of Dojo 2020 has been done!
But please check the schedule sometimes for changing dates.
19th.(Sun.) &23st.(Thu.)Jan.~, we'll have No Keiko.
★本部道场华东地区巡回讲习会;推迟/under pending
Seminar of Oyama Yuji Sensei from Hombu Dojo Japan.
★夏天集中练习;2020年7月23日(四)~26日(日) 暨18周年演武会暨前期审查
Summer Seminar of Nokura Sensei 23th.(Thu.)& 26th.(Sun.) July
18th. anniversary Demonstration & Grading Exam.
Seminar of Nokura Sensei in Hangzhou one or two days in 19th.-21th. Sep.
★远藤师范上海讲习会 2020年10月24日(六)25日(日)
Endo Sensei Seminar 24th.(Sat.)& 25th.(Sun.) October
Grading Exam; 22th.(Sun.) November
2020年活动计划/ The Schedule of 2020
版主: masako-n