2018年遠藤师范讲习会/Endo Sensei seminar


版主: masako-n

帖子: 139
注册时间: 周一 11月 05, 2018 10:10 am

2018年遠藤师范讲习会/Endo Sensei seminar

帖子 masako-n » 周五 11月 09, 2018 2:53 am

~合気会本部道场 指导部师范 遠藤征四郎(八段)老师 来临~
◎11月17日(六) 建国西路道场  
下午2点~4点 (5级以上的合気会会员)
下午5点半~7点半 欢迎宴会 
◎11月18日(日) 黄浦区工人体育館 2楼(外马路1288号)
上午10点~12点 / 下午2点半~4点半  

Shanghai International Aikido Club
Held by Aikikai Hombu Dojo Shihan, Endo Seishiro Sensei (8dan)
Nov.17th. (Sat.) 14:00-16:00 Seminar (Aikikai 5Kyu~) Jianguoxilu Dojo ;
Welcome Party 17:30-19:30 (The Youth Restaurant, near Dojo)
Nov.18th. (Sun.) Seminar 10:00-12:00 /14:30-16:30
2Floor, Huangpuqu Gongren gymnagium (1288, Waima rd.)
Member must come at 9a.m. for preparing.
●Apply from 1th.(Thu.) Nov, fill up your name in the sheet at Jianguoxilu Dojo.
Bring your slippers which are clean for using in Dojo.
●Bring your Yudansha passport please. (1dan~)
●We do not accept audience who are only watching seminar.
●Do not take photos and videos.
●Please come to Dojo early for preparing.
(If you come late without contact, you may not be allowing to attend seminar. )
